宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education

Many students still feel puzzled about their future though they had racked their brains during this activity. They were at a loss how to set their goals and take practical measures to achieve them. Therefore, homeroom teachers instructed them on how to form good learning habits gradually and contributing to the community by focusing on the present, such as attending each class, completing each assignment or participating in each school activity.

In addition, Chris reminded students not to catch one thing and lose another. If we compare scores of TOEFL, SAT, ACT, GPA, social contribution and hobbies to different organs of the human body, we can afford to lose none of them. Chris vividly and humorously expected students to develop themselves in an all-round way . Chris also asked students to write down any questions they had about college applications and answered them on the spot.
Finally, Chris suggested that students set two short-term goals for themselves so that they could begin with practical though small goals, making them ready to better achieve medium or long-term goals in the future.
12年级 12th graders
12年级的准毕业生们也在本学期进入繁忙的大学申请阶段。这一次的CAS中,林老师指导12年级同学做大学申请的准备工作,确保所有同学们的Common App 账号链接了Cialfo,在系统里添加心仪的提前批次大学,并告知林老师申请截止日期。同时,也再次提醒同学们要当面邀请两位学科老师,并在系统里发送请求链接。
12th graders or seniors are about to be busy applying for their universities and colleges. During the CAS session, Ms. Chuman Lin instructed 12th graders to prepare for their college application. She made sure that all students' Common App accounts were linked to Cialfo, and added their favorite EA universities to the system, and had them inform her of the application deadlines. Meanwhile, she also reminded them to invite two subject teachers in person, and send a request link to them in the system.
Finally, Ms. Lin reminded all seniors to calm down in the final stage of college application, to comprehensively and objectively evaluate their own actual status when choosing a college, and to apply for a college or university which suits their abilities, interests and strengths most.
During this diverse CAS session, being the self-exploration games,or the lecture on college application or goal setting sharing, we hope to make students understand that they should try to approach their goal slowly. If you are determined to be excellent or outstanding, no force can ever block you. People's life is the process of constantly looking for, understanding and improving themselves. As high school students, we should live our own way. Remember to aim at the moon. Even if you get lost, you will fall among the stars.